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UMP Library

The UMP Library and Information Services (LIS) was established in 2014 from a one room library with only one staff member, to a state-of-the-art library that currently has a total staff complement of 14 members based at both the Mbombela and Siyabuswa Cam

Access to Resources

To promote the accessibility of books, the issuing of library material is subject to the condition that any item that may be more urgently required by another user, must be returned to the library within 24 hours after the notice has been given by the library staff. Library materials may not be available for renewal if, a hold (reservation) has been placed on the book, a maximum fine has accrued on the user's library account. The Library reserves the right to recall items.

Borrowing Privileges


Open Collection Undergraduate Student Postgraduate Student Academic Staff Support Staff
How many items can I borrow? 6 Items 10 Items 20 Items 20 Items
For how long? 14 Days 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days
Can I renew my loans? Yes. Once - unless items are requested by another library user.
Can I return items at any time? Yes. Return items at the circulation desk or drop-box (after library hours).
Note: Overnight loans must be returned to the library before 9:00am
What if I have an overdue item? You will not be able to borrow or renew loans. Overdue fines will apply.
Can I request items already on loan? Yes. Place a "Hold" request in Search on Primo Discovery.
Note: Resources in high demand may be available only to registered students and staff.
Can I borrow News papers? No. For use and copying in the Library.


Short Loans Collection Undergraduate Student Postgraduate Student Academic Staff Support Staff
How many items can I borrow? 6 Items 10 Items 20 Items 20 Items
For how long? Maximum 18 Hours / Overnight
Can I renew my loans? Yes, Once unless items are requested by another library user.
Can I return items at any time? Yes, return items at the circulation desk or drop-box (after library hours).
Note: Overnight loans must be returned to the library before 9:00
What if I have an overdue item? You will not be able to borrow or renew loans. Overdue fines will apply.
Can I request items already on loan? Yes, Place a "Hold" request in Search on Primo Discovery.
Note: Resources in high demand may be available only to registered students and staff.
Can I borrow journals? No. For use and copying in the Library.

If the resource (book, article, thesis, etc) you need is not available at any of the UMP libraries, the Library will source the research material from other libraries in South Africa or beyond. All UMP staff and postgraduate students may use this service. There is no cost for items obtained in South Africa.

How to make a request?

To request a book or an article, complete the ILL request form Make sure to select the library you want the book to be sent to under "Pickup location". When the requested item arrives from the supplying institution, you will receive an email from the Interlibrary Loans ( notifying you that the book is available for you to collect at the Interlibrary Loan Section: Level 2 (Mbombela Campus Library). If the requested item is an article or book chapter (electronic), it will be sent to the requester electronically through an Email.