Below are some of the services offered through the Library Moodle page:
Title: An introduction to language.
Author: Fromkin, Victoria.; Rodman, Robert.; Hyams, Nina M.
Shelve Number: 410 FRO
Title: Challenges of teacher development: an investigation of take-up in South Africa.
Author: Adler, Jill.; Reed, Yvonne.
Shelve Number: 370.711 CHA
Title: Child development in practice: responsive teaching and learning from birth to five.
Author: May, Pamela.
Shelve Number: 372.21 MAY
Title: Early childhood mathematics education research: learning trajectories for young children.
Author: Sarama, Julie., author.; Clements, Douglas H.
Shelve Number: 372.7019 SAR
Title: Effective teaching: evidence and practice.
Author: Muijs, Daniel.; Reynolds, David.
Shelve Number: 371.102 MUI
Title: Emotional intelligence in the classroom: the secret of happy teachers.
Author: Coetzee, Melinde.; Jansen, Cecelia Aletha.
Shelve Number: 370.153 COE
Title: Grammar for English language teachers.
Author: Parrott, Martin.
Shelve Number: 428.2071 PAR
Title: Inclusion in the early years.
Author: Nutbrown, Cathy.; Clough, Peter, 1949-; Atherton, Frances.
Shelve Number: 371.9046 NUT
Title: Issues in mathematics teaching.
Author: Gates, Peter.
Shelve Number: 510.71 ISS
Title: Key concepts in childhood studies.
Author: James, Allison.; James, Adrian L.
Shelve Number: 305.23 JAM
Title: Learn 2 teach: English language teaching in a multilingual context.
Author: Van der Walt, C.; Kilfoil, W. R., Evans, R.
Shelve Number: 420.71268 VAND
Title: Learning theories simplified.
Author: Bates, Bob.
Shelve Number: 370.1 BAT
Title: Literacy teaching and education.
Author: Wyse, Dominic.
Shelve Number: 302.244 LIT
Title: Children's Literacy Development.
Author: McBride-Chang, Catherine.
Shelve Number: 302.244 MACB
Title: Personalisation and learning disabilities: a handbook.
Author: Tyson, Andrew.
Shelve Number: 362.38 PER
Title: Preventing reading difficulties in young children: intellectual property in the information age.
Author: Snow, Catherine E.; Burns, M. Susan.; Griffin, Peg.
Shelve Number: 372.4 PRE
Title: Raising self-esteem in primary schools: a whole school training programme.
Author: Collins, Margaret.
Shelve Number: 372.0114 COL
Title: Research methods in education.
Author: Cohen, Louis.; Manion, Lawrence.; Morrison, Keith.
Shelve Number: 372.07 COH
Title: Teach them all to read: catching kids before they fall through the cracks.
Author: McEwan-Adkins, Elaine K.
Shelve Number: 372.4 MACE
Title: Teaching language and literacy: preschool through the elementary grades.
Author: Christie, James F.
Shelve Number: 372.6 CHR
Title: Grammar: a student guide.
Author: Hurford, James R.
Shelve Number: 428.2 HUR