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Faculty of Education: Perlego Access

The School equips student teachers with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies for employability and further specialized study, in support of the principles of life-long learning.

Perlego Access (eBooks)

Perlego is a digital online library focusing on the delivery of academic, professional and non-fiction eBooks. On Perlego you can access some of the prescribed and recommended textbooks online.  Perlego is also accessible on mobile devices compatible with iOS and Android. To request access to Perlego you can watch this video or follow the steps below:

  • To request Perlego access, go to UMP Website
  • Click on “Library” (on the top right corner)
  • Under “Ask a Librarian” (LibChat) complete the form by providing your details for example under name type your Name & Surname, on the contact info type your UMP email address under Question type your staff number/ student number, your faculty, and type “Request for Perlego Access”.
  • Click on “Start Chat”
  • A librarian will respond to your request by providing you with the registration link and code
  • As soon as you receive the registration link and code, you are requested to register immediately
  • Do not Share the Registration Code with anyone, sharing this CODE will result in your rights to access being suspended.
  • If your library privileges are blocked access will not be granted, and you will be informed of the reasons. (e.g., Book overdue or outstanding fines not paid).
  • You will be advised on the relevant steps to be taken concerning “unblocking” your account.

Perlego Registration Process

To register on Perlego, kindly follow the steps below:

  • Do not register for a free trial. If you have registered for a free trial, then you must cancel the trial first with Perlego before the library can assist with the registration.
  • Click on the Perlego registration link provided by the Librarian. Complete the registration process by entering the Perlego code on the box provided 
  • Click on “I accept Perlego's T&Cs and Privacy Policy
  • Click on “Create your account”
  • Complete the form by proving your details such as Name & Surname, UMP email and create a password click on “Start reading with Perlego”
  • Once the registration is completed, you will receive confirmation of registration from the library indicating that you have been granted access
  • The Perlego access period is equivalent to the physical book loan period (7 Undergraduates, 14 Postgraduates, 30 Academic/ Support staff)
  • If your Perlego account has been paused or cancelled, to re-activate it contact it can also be done by submitting a request through “Ask a librarian
  •  If you wish to extend your Perlego access period, send an email to on the expiry date it can also be done by submitting a request through “Ask a librarian
  • Once signed in, your profile name will appear on the top right corner of your screen

How to read the eBooks online on Perlego

To read an online book on Perlego, you can watch this video or follow the below steps:

  • To search for a book, click on the search box on the top of your screen
  • Search the book using Title, ISBN, Author & Topic
  • From the results list, click on the Title/ Cover page of the book you are interested in
  • Click on the book details or table of contents
  • Select “Read”
  • On the top left side of the screen, there are 7 Icons to use to go back to the platform or browse through the eBook
  • The first icon is for Homepage
  • The second icon is for the Table of contents
  • The third icon is for Find in book (search for a keyword within the book)
  • The fourth icon is for Bookmark (to mark favourites parts of the eBook)
  • The fifth icon is for Notes and Highlights (Notes allow you to mark passages of text and highlights allow you to keep track of sections of text that you feel are in a book)
  • The sixth icon is for Referencing/ Citation (for selecting referencing style e.g., Harvard & APA)
  • The seventh icon is for Settings (change font size, background colour)
  • How to create your reading list. (A reading list is a selection of books or other resources recommended for you and is identified by you or your Lecturer for a particular course/module)