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Assignment Mastery Toolkit: Assignment Mastery

Aim of the toolkit

To enable students to obtain a set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, understanding of how information is produced, valued and used in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning (ACRL, 2015). It is a toolkit put together to assist students with the information they may require through different stages of writing an assignment.

N.B. Kindly note that the videos used in this toolkit remain the intellectual property of the owners.

Information Literacy standards

This toolkit is based on the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education developed by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

Unit 1: Assignment planning

Determine the nature and extent of the information needed for the assignment

1.1. Know your library (Tour)

1.2. Understand the assignment question/topic/ marking rubric

1.3. Create an assignment plan with timelines

Additional tools:


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Information literacy Outline

This toolkit will enable students to articulate the specific information needed; access information using appropriate search tools; evaluate the quality, usefulness and relevance of the information identified; ethically use and communicate information read.


Unit 2: Finding information sources

Access information effectively and efficiently

2.1. Types of information sources to use

2.2. Formulate search strategies 

2.3. Search resources using the keywords identified on the assignment topic See for steps on how to search using the listed tools.

2.4. Save and manage the resources identified

Additional tools:

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Unit 5: Plagiarism & Referencing

Ethical use of information

5.1. Demonstrate an understanding of intellectual property, copyright, and fair use of copyrighted material

5.2. Acknowledge the use of information sources

Cite and reference using the appropriate style

5.3 Plagiarism

Additional tools

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Unit 3: Evaluating information found

Evaluate the information and its sources critically

3.1. Examine and evaluate various information sources

Additional tools:

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Unit 6: Edit & proofreading

Editing and Proofreading

6.1. Edit and proofread written assignment

6.2.  Submit the final assignment

Additional tools

  • Grammarly (Download and install Grammarly for grammar check)
  • Use Turnitin for the similarity check

N.B Consult with the Academic Literacy Lecturers

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