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Research support guide: Open Access



Monday, 25 Oct 2021
Zoom Link:
Program Director Mr Zukile Matshaya
10:00 - 10:05 Welcome
Ms Z. Mathe, Director Library and Information Services: The University of Mpumalanga
10:05 - 10:15 Opening
Prof Thoko Mayekiso, The Vice Chancellor: The University of Mpumalanga
10:15 - 10:40 Open Science is here to stay
Ms Ina Smith, Planning Manager, The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
10:40 - 11:05 Open Data: A new role for academic libraries in the research ecosystem.
Dr Dale Peters, The eResearch Consultant: The University of Cape Town
11:05 - 11:10 Q & A Session
11:10 - 11:35 Open access publishing experience: A scholar's perspective.
Prof Vusi Gumede, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Development and Business Sciences: The University of Mpumalanga
11:35 - 12:00 Meeting the Demands of Open Access.
John Sterley, Account Manager: Elsevier.
12:00 - 12:10 Q & A Session
12:10 - 12:15 Vote of thanks and closing remarks.
Ms Zine Sapula, Faculty Librarian: The University of Mpumalanga



Ms. Ina Smith
Project manager
The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
Ina Smith has been a project manager at the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) since October 2014. Prior to her work at ASSAf, she worked at Stellenbosch University and the University of Pretoria, where she was instrumental in developing the necessary infrastructure to make research openly accessible through institutional repositories and journal management systems, among others. A highlight of her career was the landscape study on Open Science in Africa which spanned across 3 years.

The outcome of this initiative – which was funded by the Dept. of Science and Innovation (DSI), and during which she collaborated with stakeholders in Open Science worldwide, was a landscape study paving the way for the African Open Science Platform, currently managed by the NRF (National Research Foundation). She feels passionate about people being equipped with digital skills, empowering them so they can continue to be lifelong learners – also of trusted science.

Dr. Dale Peters
eResearch Consultant
The University of Cape Town
Dr. Dale Peters provides direction in networked infrastructure tools and services to support advanced computation in data-intensive research. Previously a Director of UCT eResearch and Deputy Director of the UCT Libraries, Dr Peters commands a high level of technology awareness to inform strategy and policy fostering Open Science in interdisciplinary and international research collaboration.

Dr Peters served as convenor of the Work Group for the Data Intensive Research Initiatives of South Africa (DIRISA), leading to the formalization of the National Integrated Cyber-Infrastructure System (NICIS) in 2013. She chaired a work group on data sharing in the study conducted by the Belmont Forum in 2015 on e-Infrastructures and Data Management; and served on the international expert group of the OECD study conducted in 2019 on International Coordination of Data in Infrastructures for Open Science. This study identifies principles and potential policy actions to promote open and sustainable international data networks in the global data infrastructure for science.

From 2018-2020 she served as co-principal investigator in the establishment of the Western Cape DIRISA Tier 2 Data Intensive Research Facility, responsible for the research data management programme. She currently serves as an expert advisor to the SA- EU Open Science Cloud Dialogue Facility, coordinated by the Department of Science and Innovation.

Prof. Vusi Gumede
Dean for the Faculty of Economics, Development and Business Sciences.
The University of Mpumalanga
Prof. Vusi Gumede has worked for different South African universities and government departments as well as a consultant for various organisations in South Africa and outside South Africa. He has held various fellowships in different countries and is a member of numerous Editorial Boards and other institutions/committees/councils. He has held Professorships at the University of Johannesburg and the University of South Africa as well as an Honorary Professorship at the University of Cape Town. He is widely published, including fifteen books.

Mr. John Sterley
Account Manager
John Sterley is the Account Manager for Elsevier covering South Africa. In this position John works with Universities and Research Institutions across the country. John works as a partner with customers and is interested in seeing them reach their learning and research goals by maximising the usage and overall effectiveness of Elsevier content and platforms. (